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Enzoic Blog

Research, views, and insights on cybersecurity, account takeover, fraud, and more

Viewing Password Security


Implementing NIST Guidelines for Stronger Defenses

The adoption of NIST guidelines supports building a sustainable practice that enhances an organization’s cybersecurity posture.

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2024 Verizon DBIR: Key Thoughts

It remains clear: stolen credentials are a consistent and continuous threat to organizations. Here are details from the 2024 Verizon DBIR.

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Pew Research Data Privacy Statistics 2024

Pew Research Center sheds light on Americans' growing unease with how their personal information is handled. This post explores highlights the challenges and concerns surrounding data breaches and compromised credentials.

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Stale Accounts in Active Directory

Stale accounts are account that was created and forgotten or users who no longer works at your organization and was never deactivated.

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Findings on Exposed Passwords in Active Directory

Password security and exposed passwords in Active Directory still matter because weak and compromised passwords lead to data breaches.

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What is Session Hijacking?

Session hijacking is a prevalent and dangerous attack method to illicitly gain access and then take control of user accounts and systems.

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What Makes a Password Weak or Strong?

The crucial differences between weak and strong passwords. We will also provide practical tips on how to bolster your online security.

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How MSPs and Resellers Should Approach Cybersecurity

What are the threats facing credential security? How partners can take steps to prevent their clients from falling victim to them?

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The 2023 Data Breach Report and the 2024 Data Breach Industry Forecast

Key findings from the "2023 Data Breach Report" from ITRC and the "2024 Data Breach Industry Forecast" by Experian.

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