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Enzoic Blog

Research, views, and insights on cybersecurity, account takeover, fraud, and more

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NIST Special Publication 800-63 is Final

The big changes to NIST password recommendations we’ve been talking about are now official: NIST 800-63 is final. It’s important to know that this overhaul is about more than just passwords. It’s a full reworking of digital identity guidelines with a suite of new documents and a flexible approach to using them.

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Evolving Password Based Security to Fight Compromised Credentials Attacks

The continued barrage of reports about data breaches and account hijacking, make it painfully clear that the way organizations are managing password-based security is missing something. When we look at how cybercriminal tactics have evolved, and how compromised credential attacks have impacted these methods, one answer to the problem of the password becomes clear.

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Checking Compromised Credentials: Looking Closer at NIST Password Guidelines

NIST suggests passwords should be screened against commonly-used, expected, or compromised passwords. This is intended to ensure passwords are not found in common cracking dictionaries that would make them easy to guess. These checks can occur at account creation and password reset. But then what? How do you know if they are still safe after time?

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LastPass Selects Enzoic for Compromised Credential Screening

PasswordPing announces a new partnership providing LastPass customers with a quick and easy way to screen for individual and enterprise user credentials against a database of billions of compromised credentials. With PasswordPing, LastPass is able to identify high risk end users and put additional security measures in place, such as email alerts and real-time in-product notifications, to block account hijacking attempts and other fraudulent activities.

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Surprising Password Guidelines from NIST

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) just finalized new draft guidelines, completely reversing previous password security recommendations and upending many of the standards and best practices security professionals use when forming policies for their companies.

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Hackers Use Compromised Credentials To Defraud 3rd Party Sellers on Amazon

Hackers are actively targeting those 3rd party sellers using stolen and compromised credentials (a password and user name combo) to gain access to the seller’s accounts, costing them tens of thousands of dollars.

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LeakedSource Shut Down by DOJ

Last week, a breach notification site named LeakedSource was allegedly shut down by US law enforcement and much of their equipment confiscated. The reasons why they may have been targeted by law enforcement are unknown, although it's possible to hazard some guesses as to why. Were they White Hat, Black Hat or Grey Hat?

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Enzoic Launches Exposed Password and Credentials API Service for Enterprises

PasswordPing announces the launch of its patent-pending password and credential breach notification service, which proactively notifies organizations if their users are using exposed credentials. Billions of accounts have been exposed in breaches and often the users are completely unaware of it.

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Punishing users for *possibly* using another site with a breach

I recently received an email that notified me of a forced password reset for one of my online accounts due to the AdultFriendFinder breach. I DON'T have an AdultFriendFinder account and have never used that site, but because of the reuse of passwords across multiple sites, a breach for one company creates a domino effect for other companies.

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