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Enzoic Blog

Research, views, and insights on cybersecurity, account takeover, fraud, and more

Viewing Active Directory

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Back to Basics: IDSA Trends in 2022 are all about Preventable Cyber Incidents

DSA report reveals that 96% of respondents think they could have prevented a breach by focusing on identity security.

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Active Directory is an Active Vulnerability 

Breaches and malware attacks are frequently increasing, but organizations that use Active Directory are failing to bolster their security.

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The Biggest Takeaway from the 2022 Verizon DBIR

DBIR: Compromised credentials are a main area of concern. The impact grows as both ransomware and supply chain attacks impact every industry.

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Username and Password Pairs

Screen against compromised username & password pairs since compromised passwords are in nearly all hacking-related cybersecurity breaches

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All About Active Directory Passwords

Read all about Active Directory passwords like complexity requirements, resetting passwords, default password policy, and much more.

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Credential Stuffing Explained

Credential stuffing is a cybercrime technique where an attacker uses automated scripts to try each credential against a target web site.

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Cracking Dictionary Explained

A cracking dictionary is a massive list of expected passwords used to quickly crack or guess actual passwords. Learn more about cracking dictionaries.

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Enzoic Expands Automated Credentials Monitoring in Active Directory

The solution now continuously screens for both unsafe passwords and compromised full credentials reducing the risk of a cyberattack.

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Five Tips for Locking Down Password Security

Prioritizing safe passwords in Active Directory is crucial. Here are 5 ways to address the problem of password security.

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